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POSCO FUTURE M will become a corporate citizen that shoulders
responsibilities for the society and the people.
and Safety
With the highest priority on the safety and health and its employees, POSCO FUTURE M has established a safety and health policy and has been implementing it continuously.
Health and
With its safety management system, POSCO FUTURE M is striving to create a safe working environment and ensure that all employees have a sense of responsibility and awareness of safety and health through safety leadership and education. We carry out thorough risk management activities to prevent safety accidents, and aim to maintain a safe production environment by regularly conducting safety inspections and monitoring activities. We operate medical examinations and health promotion programs for the health management of our employees. We have established our safety and health management system with a focus on the health and safety of employees.
안전관리 전략
We have adopted the latest technology in our workplace aimed at preventing accidents and making a safe workplace to improve our safety management. At the enterprise level, we have devised response strategy and established a management system to spread a culture of safety. In addition, we are offering safety training for our employees and partners to spread safety culture

Risk Prevention Activities The number of risk factors at our production locations is dwindling with our increased focus on on-site inspections, which are intended to achieve zero accidents. We perform safety audit in advance to avoid any potential risks or accidents when expanding our facilities as our business grow. Comprehensive health and safety audits are also conducted to check the compliance status and prevent safety risks.
안전관리 전략
and Safety
Status of certification for the Health and Safety Management System Health and safety affects the entire business. Today, implementing an occupational health and safety (OHS) management system has become a minimum legal requirement in many countries.
Moreover, more and more companies are increasingly asked to provide report on their health and safety performance.
For a more systematic management of corporate health and safety, POSCO FUTURE M have converted OHSAS 18001 we had previously earned to the international standard, ISO 45001 in 2020.
POSCO FUTURE M plans, establishes, and operates 17 mutual growth programs in three areas: fair trade, innovative growth, and cultural diffusion. Our strategy for win-win cooperation with suppliers includes ESG education, on-site diagnosis, and financial/welfare/technical support, and our various competency and ESG support programs contribute to building long-term partnerships with our suppliers.
브랜드명칭: 기업시민 동반성장, 목표: 협력기업 경쟁력 향상 및 사회적 가치 창출로 지역사회 상생, 활동방향: open&fair 공정한 거래기회 부여, 공정거래 관행 정립, innovation 안전환경을 고려하는 혁신 성장 지원, Community 상생협력 활동으로 지역 문제해결 동참
Shared growth programs : Open & Fair
With the e-Catalog system, a supplier can promote their product without having to pay a visit to POSCO FUTURE M departments. A department interested in buying a product can conveniently source and supply a new product.

Jump to the e-Catalog page
2-1) Technical data deposit system
A system that protects the technology of partner companies by depositing important technical data into the external foundation, Large and Small Business Cooperation Foundation. Large conglomerates that are supplied with products can ensure stable supply and maintenance service even when the supplier closes business due to bankruptcy.

  • ·Process
    A task
    is performed
    A task
    is complete
    of fees
    is deposited

2-2) Technical data request process
To protect the trade secrets of SMEs, the process has been systemized such that all request for technical data must be made in designated format that contains legal information.

  • ·Technical data request process
    Using our e-Procurement system, a request for technical data is issued. After filling out the form, POSCO FUTURE M and the other party signs and seals the form.
3-1) Improved payment between tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers (payment for mutual benefit)
A system that guarantees cash payment on the settlement day, or early payment at a low interest rate for tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers.

3-2) Payment in full cash for SMEs
The full payment made in cash within 10 business days after the delivery of products, or twice a week for improved liquidity of SMEs.

3-3) Advanced payment or interim payment for purchase of high-priced facility or equipment for future investment
When we purchase a high-priced facility or equipment for future investment that takes a long time to produce, we provide advanced or interim payments for high liquidity of SMEs.

A program designed to avoid competing on price and the deterioration of the competitiveness of our partners. It also serves the purpose of improving POSCO FUTURE M’s quality management.

  • ·Abolished bidding based on price competition, introduced a bidding system that limits the minimum price.
  • ·Biddings based on competition for the best market price is applied for construction deals.
  • ·Most essential facilities purchased based on the total cost of ownership (TCO).
    Suppliers are selected by looking at the purchase price of an asset plus the quality difference, including product lifecycle and efficiency.
  • ·A bidding system based on price that exceeds the standard price.
    In case the minimum bid price is in the +5% range compared to the standard price as a result of the bid, the bid is sold without adjusting the base price.
Standards for the four practices of fair trade have been established to prevent unfair practices and strengthen competitiveness of the parties when a contract is signed between POSCO FUTURE M and an SME.

  • ·Four practices of fair trade
    • - Practices for a desirable contract between a large and a small company
    • - Practices for designation and operation of a partner company
    • - Practices for the operation of an internal deliberation committee on subcontracting
    • - Practices for the desirable issuance and preservation of documents
Shared growth programs : Innovation
Improved the benefit sharing to BS+ by launching a mutual cooperation body and revamping the system.

  • ·Adopted more supplier-friendly measures by revising the type of tasks performed, lowering the threshold and providing more rewards for outstanding performance.
    • - Began participating in Win-Win Nuri, a web portal by the Large and Small Business Cooperation Foundation.
    • - Sending out promotional materials on PR channels, such as social media pages.
    • - In case a partner fails, a minimum of 50% of allocated fund is compensated, and 30% of the intermediate payment is added.
    • - Private contract signed for additional orders on top of the original contract (up to 5 years).
    • - One-time cash compensation for localization tasks.
SMEs can use patents by POSCO FUTURE M by concluding a non-exclusive license agreement. Educational meetings may be held as needed.

  • ·Non-exclusive license grants
    • - Outline : SMEs can use intellectual properties of POSCO FUTURE M free of charge.
    • - Coverage : Patents that can generate profit when sold to other companies excluding patents for important products or production process.
      for demands
      of patent
      license contract
      is signed
  • ·Customized patents
    • - Patent application (registration) training, research on technical patent information, consultation on job creation, and support for cost on joint patent application co-developed with POSCO FUTURE M.
Mutual growth activities where departments within POSCO FUTURE M help partner companies to grow using their capacity, infrastructure and know-how.

  • ·Coverage
    • - Suppliers (including tier 2 suppliers)
  • ·Areas of support
    ESG Human resources, safety, environment, corporate citizenship, corporate ethics
    Legal Tax/accounting, legal knowledge, labor planning
    Technology and products Technology development, production cost management, patent management, product quality management
    Others Investment feasibility analysis, sales strategy, logistics management
A fund created to provide low-interest loans to SMEs that have difficulty in financing. Offers win-win cooperation funds and an interest-free loan program for outstanding partners.

  • ·Low interest loan fund
    • - Lower interest rates compared to other loan by 1-1.5% (up to 300 million won)
  • ·Interest-free loan program for outstanding partner companies
    • - Up to 200 million won
10-1)Training of young refractory lining professionals
Educational programs to train young aspiring refractory lining experts at our vocational centers with professional instructors, and training for people interested in working in the refractory industry.

  • ·Training employees from companies supplying furnace materials and their subcontractors into refractory lining experts
  • ·Educating refractory lining technicians for mutual growth
    • - How we support trainees after completing the course : Connecting graduates to our suppliers related to refractory lining and refractories. Incentives when screening applicants for a position in a open recruitment for POSCO FUTURE M (graduates pass the document screening).

10-2) POSCO SME Consortium* hosted by POSCO
A program designed to strengthen job capacity of our employees and train vital experts leveraging POSCO’s education facilities, manpower and system. The system is run according to the National Human Resources Development System of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

  • ·Target trainees
    • - Suppliers of the POSCO Group and employees from their subcontractors (tier 2 to tier 4 suppliers)
  • ·Areas of training
    • - Personality, leadership, work, product quality, safety at work (Offered in classrooms and via an e-learning program)
  • ·View and apply for a program Learn more
We spur growth in our productivity by revamping the governance, manufacturing and production process of SMEs through our QSS innovation initiative. We also provide consultations for building smart factories, including evaluation on the level of smart technologies and identification of new tasks.

  • ·1st stage in the industrial innovation campaign
    • - Eleven conglomerates including POSCO and Samsung are taking part led by the Ministry of Trade.
  • ·2nd stage in the industrial innovation campaign
    • - Campaign led by the private sector, including KCCI and Large and Small Business Cooperation Foundation.

Main Areas of Support Under POSCO’s QSS Innovation Initiative
Consulting Weekly on-site guide by a QSS consultant
Building the basis of innovation
Overhaul of work locations
Process optimization
Education Level-specific training in classroom and learning trips to develop innovative minds. Other support to spur self development.
Educational tours for the management to benchmark good practices
Management-level workshops
Management-level workshops
Working-level employee training for competency development I
Working-level employee training for competency development II
Working-level employee training for competency development III
Shared growth programs : Community
POSCO FUTURE M is expanding information sharing and communication activities with partner companies through diverse communication programs. We are also encouraging a culture of mutual development in our tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers.

  • ·Periodic exchange aimed at mutual development (e.g. information sharing meetings, publication of newsletters)
  • ·Encouragement of mutually beneficial activities for suppliers through the POSCO FUTURE M Supplier Council
We designate suppliers that earn the best rating in the annual SRM evaluation or who have made significant contributions to POSCO FUTURE M as our certified partners, instilling pride and offering incentives.

  • ·Incentives provided to PHPs
    • - PHP certification plaques.
    • - Cancellation of deposits (contract implementation, defects, advance and interim payments).
    • - Extension of contract period, and priority given when an existing contract is terminated.
    • - Selected as a priority supplier in case of emergencies or contingencies.
    • - Priority given to BS tasks proposed by employees. Support for shared growth activities.
    • - More convenient vehicle access.
POSCO FUTURE M has set up a system that helps to resolve unfair trade practices, such as delayed payment, unfair reduction of payment and interference with company management. The system is expected to help stabilize the management of SMEs and put in place fair trade practices.

  • ·Fair Trade Consulting Center Go
  • ·Unethical Behavior Report Center Go
  • ·Whistleblower Center Go
  • ·Open Sourcing Consulting Center Go
A campaign to invigorate local economy and enhance awareness of safety and environment, participated by suppliers and partner companies.

  • ·Main activities
    Corporate Citizen Friends activities
    • - Good advance payment activity to revive traditional markets.
    • - Participation in the Corporate Citizen Friends Week 2020.
    • - Participation in the Corporate Citizen Friends Forest Planting Project.
Employing talents from small partner companies of the POSCO Group. Support for young people to find jobs.

  • ·Job search program for mutual benefit of both large and small companies.
  • ·Internship program for small partner companies provided to graduates of the vocational program tailored to real-world jobs.
  • ·Training program for refractory lining experts for the mutual development of large and small companies.
To companies falling into 11 categories in four fields (social enterprises, companies hiring disabled persons, social cooperatives, self supporting companies, family-friendliness-certified companies, women's enterprises, companies with green certification or safety and health management systems, etc.), we provide preferential treatment such as incentives during bidding, relaxation of supplier registration requirements, and additional points in evaluations.
Supplier Code
of Conduct
POSCO FUTURE M's suppliers must comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct in standard contracts. The Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates the essential matters that suppliers providing products and services must comply with and requires all suppliers to protect stakeholders and employees by complying with all laws and regulations on the environment, human rights, social contributions, ethics and fair trade, safety and health, and quality management.
Purchase of
Green Products
ESG purchase methods have been implemented according to the Corporate Citizenship management philosophy. The basic principle is to procure from suppliers with green operation processes. POSCO FUTURE M is leading sustainable purchases in the market.
POSCO FUTURE M is committed to establishing a responsible chain of mineral supply as our solution for solving social problems such as human rights violations that occur when mining minerals, environmental destruction, direct or indirect support to non state armed groups, money laundering, bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals. Thus, we have laid down a five-step process based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.

Responsible minerals are those that are mined such that does not fund armed conflicts, respects human rights and the environment, and fulfills social responsibilities. The international community attaches great importance to corporate responsibility for responsible minerals given the seriousness of conflict zones across the African continent (e.g. armed groups seizing distribution networks, child labor, human rights violations), the home of major responsible minerals. Accordingly, POSCO FUTURE M complies with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals and the RMI Responsible Minerals Assurance Process.
  • Responsible Minerals Coverage
    Tin, tantalum, tungsten (3T) + gold (G) + cobalt (in the process of expanding our target minerals such as nickel, manganese, lithium and graphite)
  • Target Areas
    285 regions in 28 countries designated as dangerous areas subject to monitoring
아프리카(DR콩고, 브르키나파소 등 17국내 141개 지역), 아프가니스탄 등 3국내 77개지역, 아시아(파키스탄등 4개국내 22개지역), 남아메리카(콜롬비아등 2개국내 31개지역)

[CAHRAs: Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas]

POSCO FUTURE M has selected 285 areas in 28 countries as target areas to watch closely as social and ethical risks are observed frequently, including conflict, child labor, and human rights violations.
Areas subject to monitoring, which were limited to countries around DR Congo in Africa until 2019, has been expanded to other regions in 2020. We have also divided the country into smaller areas for increased focus. These segments are updated biannually through periodic surveys. In the case of a supplier that provides responsible minerals to POSCO FUTURE M having a refinery or a mine linked to these regions, we designate them as a high-risk supplier and respond accordingly following our risk response mechanism.
POSCO FUTURE M's Corporate Planning Support Division and Procurement contract Office of the Energy Materials Division is responsible for supervising responsible minerals. In 2021, the office has launched a Consultative Group for Responsible Minerals together with the Production Technology Group, Ethics Management Secretariat, Corporate Citizenship Secretariat, PR Group, and the Legal Office. Responsible minerals risks are jointly managed with other departments with varying specialties by holding open discussions on the matter.
Procedures for

POSCO FUTURE M complies with the five-step framework in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.

[Management Framework for the Responsible Minerals]

[Main Management Areas]

  • Policy / Leadership
  • Supplier Identification / Participation
  • Process / Organization
  • Risk identification / Mitigation
  • Stakeholder capability
  • Transparent disclosure

[Management Roadmap for Responsible Minerals]

초기단게(Early stage) - 2020 상반기, 도입단계(Introduction stage) - 2020 하반기, 적극적 참여 단계(Active Participation stage) - 2021, 글로벌 최고수준(Global top stage) - 2022
As a global company, POSCO FUTURE M takes into account the future of mankind and the environment, while staying committed to fulfill its responsibilities. We are establishing a responsible chain of mineral supply as our solution of solving social problems such as human rights violations that occur when mining minerals, direct or indirect support to non state armed groups, money laundering, environmental destruction, bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals.

Thus, POSCO FUTURE M is implementing the following process.
  • 1. We developed the Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy and a work process based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance, and are focusing on the ethical procurement of responsible minerals and strengthening the management of supply chains. To do this, we are raising the awareness of our employees and our stakeholders and offer training on responsible minerals. When sourcing responsible minerals, we follow a five-step process. (Establish a robust system → Collect/assess supply chain information → Identify/mitigate risks → Due diligence → Transparent communication)
  • 2. We are using the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) forms to collect supplier information provided by the RMI Association. Using our Supplier Questionnaire Survey to trace the supply chain for tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, lithium, manganese, and cobalt (including mines and refineries), we identify and mitigate risks that may occur in the supply process.
  • 3.When we sign a supply contract or registering new suppliers, we encourage suppliers to go through due diligence by third-party organizations under the Responsible Minerals Assessment Program (RMAP) for smelters in the supply chain.

    Also, in order to expand our Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy to every level of supply chain even in upstream sectors including smelters and mines, we have strengthened the Supplier Code of Conduct.
    ⒜ Suppliers must establish a Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy and report to POSCO FUTURE M on the improvements to ensure that raw materials delivered to POSCO FUTURE M do not include minerals from uncertified smelters or artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) designated by POSCO FUTURE M (285 regions in 28 countries) where ethical issues arise.
    ⒝ Suppliers must identify and collect the mining information, origin, location and whether ethical risk occurs in the supply chain. Suppliers must agree to comply with our Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy and conduct activities accordingly when signing a contract with POSCO FUTURE M.
    ⒞ Suppliers must prepare and submit a report on the use of conflict minerals and responsible minerals at POSCO FUTURE M's request in a timely manner. They must participate in disseminating our responsible minerals policy to the upstream suppliers so that all of our supply chains can take the lead in resolving social issues.
If POSCO FUTURE M does not receive sufficient information from the supplier to verify compliance with the Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy, or if risks are found in the supplier’s supply chain and it does not take appropriate action, we will encourage the supplier to improve its capability by means of training or due diligence; POSCO FUTURE M may stop business with the supplier that intentionally provides false information or does not make efforts to correct the situation.

By conducting these activities, POSCO FUTURE M will actively participate in international efforts to source minerals responsibly, thereby fulfilling the social responsibility to protect human rights and the environment in conflict zones.
General Terms
and Conditions
for Raw Material
Article 29 Compliance with conflict mineral and responsible mineral regulations

POSCO FUTURE M intends to coexist harmoniously with suppliers and manage risks related to responsible minerals by including compliance provisions for conflict minerals and responsible minerals when signing a sourcing contract with suppliers.

  • 1. At the time of supplying the goods, the seller confirms that the goods do not contain “conflict minerals” [ i.e. Columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, wolframite, gold and 3TG (tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold), which are derivatives of the mineral ore, produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries. The US Secretary of State may designate additional minerals as conflict minerals] specified in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of the US, and that they use “responsible minerals” (minerals mined such that does not provide funding for conflicts, respects human rights and the environment, and fulfills social responsibility), and provide a confirmation document [know your suppler (KYS), document confirming the use of clean materials] to the buyer.
  • 2. The seller must immediately notify the buyer of the following, if any, for the goods supplied according to paragraph 1.
    1) When the seller recognizes that conflict minerals are included.
    2) When they find any reason to suspect that conflict minerals may have been included.
    3) When they become aware that there is an issue related to responsible minerals.
    4) When they find any reason to suspect that responsible minerals may have been included.
  • 3. Provided the seller violates the requirements set forth in this Article, the buyer may rescind or terminate the contract as stipulated in Article 19, and may place restrictions against the seller according to Article 20. In any case of the seller having affirmed false or inaccurate facts or submitted a false or inaccurate confirmation or certificate of origin under paragraph 1 of this Article, the seller bears the obligation to indemnify the buyer for all loss suffered.
Usage Status for Conflict Minerals and Responsible Minerals
POSCO FUTURE M currently uses tungsten oxide from 3TG, and is sourcing RMAP-conformant smelter products only based on CMRT Ver. 6.22.
We will continue to purchase RMAP-conformant smelter products in the future, and in case an uncertified smelter is identified in our supply chain, we will provide necessary support to help the company obtain certification. For a list of smelters engaged in business with us, refer to the following table.

Usage Status for Conflict Minerals and Responsible Minerals
Usage Status for Conflict Minerals and Responsible Minerals
No. Minerals RMI smelter ID Name of the smelter Country RMAP Status
1 Tungsten CID002321 Jiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd. China Conformant
2 Tungsten CID002082 Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. China Conformant
3 Cobalt CID003291 Guangdon jiana Engery Technology Co., Ltd. China Conformant
4 Cobalt CID003255 Quzhou Huayou Cobalt New Merial Co., Ltd. China Conformant
5 Cobalt CID003411 Hunan CNGR New Energy Science & Technology Co., Ltd. China Conformant
6 Cobalt CID003338 SungEel Hitech Co.,Ltd. Korea Conformant

Grievance mechanism

- Starting in 2020, POSCO FUTURE M has been running a Grievance mechanism for stakeholders in the responsible minerals sector. You can file a complaint or send us your feedback using the contact information provided below.

- How to file a complaint :
1. Send us an email, call us or pay a visit to our office.
2. The information submitted will be sent to the Responsible Minerals General Department, and the person in charge will check the inquiries and take necessary measures.(There is no separate form)

Complaints Support
Category Office in charge
Minerals General
Procurement contract Office
Email 222886@poscofuturem.com
Tel. +82-02-3457-4483

Quality Certifications
POSCO FUTURE M has established and implemented a quality management policy to provide our customers with the best products and services. We emphasize the importance of quality management in product manufacturing and sales, with a focus on customer satisfaction, and aim to improve quality and secure safety throughout the process. We are making efforts to establish a company-wide quality management system and enhance customer trust by strengthening individual quality management systems, continuously pursuing quality improvement activities, and cooperating and communicating with customers.
품질로서 고객가치 창조에 기여하는 회사(하나를 개선하더라도 Be Concrete & Robust) - 기술의 정합성 검증, 보유 기술의 표준화·가시화를 통해 기술 역량을 강화한다, 선행적 PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) 프로세스 및 품질보증 시스템을 강화해 확고한 기본 품질을 확보한다, 전사 공장별 운영목표 설정과 통합관리를 통해 품질 경쟁력을 향상한다.
ISO 9001(QMS) 운영원칙 - 조직상황(고객요구사항, 이해관계자의 니즈와 기대), 리더쉽(지원운영,성과평가,개선,기획), 제품 및 서비스, 고객만족

포스코퓨처엠 운영체계 - 핵심품질지표 발굴 및 운영(Plan), 데이터 측정 및 분석(Do), 문제점 발굴 및 개선(Check), 표준화(Act)
QMS Operation status at POSCO FUTURE M

포스코퓨처엠의 QMS 운영 현황 - 2011(ISO 9001:2008 품질경영시스템 도입), 2016(IATF16949: 양극재,음극재 도입), 2018(ISO 9001:2015 품질경영시스템 전환),

POSCO FUTURE M has introduced and complied with ISO9001 and IATF16949, the international standard quality management systems. Our refractories, furnace materials, quicklime, and chemical plants are certified with ISO9001. Our anode materials plant and cathode materials plants are accredited with IATF16949, the international standard for quality management systems in the automotive industry.
Social Contribution Vision
POSCO FUTURE M has established the social contribution vision of 'Together, we build a green world,' and operates social contribution programs to solve problems in local communities. Our three key directions are sustainable environmental protection, supporting future generations, and creating shared value with the local communities to develop sustainable future value.
  • Together
    Spread of positive influence by voluntary participation of employees. Communication with local stakeholders to identify social issues in partnership with experts.
  • We Build
    Leveraging POSCO FUTURE Ms’ key capability to solve social problems and provide meaningful, sustainable creative solutions.
  • A green World
    The final destination of POSCO FUTURE M’s social contribution activities based on green business and future-oriented technology.
Strategic Direction
Voluntary participation by employees
  • Sustainable environmental protection
    Building an ecosystem for sustainable development
  • Support for future
    Discover and assist the growth potential of future generations and provide psychological and emotional support.
  • Creation of shared value with local communities
    Discovering and tackling social issues together with local communities to care for marginalized groups.
Social Contribution Activity
  • Blog
  • YouTube
  • 110, Sinhang-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang-si (1-143, Cheongnim-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang-si)
  • TEL +82-054-290-0114
  • FAX +82-054-292-3417
  • Business Registration No. : 506-81-01452
© POSCO FUTURE M, All rights reserved.